what is iso

what is iso ? As you know, in a global market, a balance must be struck. Otherwise, it will be difficult to maintain stability and quality in industries and countries. International standards help maintain the conditions of the game, and one of these organizations is ISO. This organization sets the same rules in the world.


What is ISO certification?

ISO certification certifies that a management system, production process, service or documentation method meets all standardization and quality assurance requirements. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an independent and non-governmental international organization that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety and efficiency of products, services and systems.

ISO certifications exist in many areas of the industry, from energy management and social responsibility to medical equipment and new energy management. ISO standards have been developed to ensure compatibility. Each certificate has separate standards and criteria and is classified numerically. For example, the ISO certification we currently hold at Mead Metals is ISO 9001: 2015.


As mentioned above, ISO refers to the International Organization for Standardization. The organization develops standards, and this is done in order to certify businesses or organizations. Third-party certification is done and tested annually.

The ISO 14644 standard is used in the pharmaceutical industry and also states the standard method of clean room class.


The number that appears after the ISO classifies the standard. All ISO 9000 family standards refer to quality management. ISO 9001 is one of the most well-known ISO standards and defines the criteria for observing a number of quality management principles. Helps businesses and organizations be more efficient and improve customer satisfaction.


The final number in an ISO certificate is the standard version that is observed and is indicated by the calendar year of these standards. 2015 is the fifth version of ISO 9001. Launched in September 2015, it has updated its processes to match the latest version specifications.


What does ISO 9001 certification mean?

If an organization claims to be ISO 9001 certified, it means that the organization has met the requirements set out in ISO 9001. ISO 9001 requires organizations to define and pursue a quality management system that is both appropriate and effective, and also requires them to identify areas for improvement and make progress toward those improvements.

As a result, it is commonly understood that an organization claiming ISO 9001 certification is an organization with products and services that meet quality standards.

To sell to specific industries, an ISO 9001 certification is required - the automotive industry is a well-known example.

ISO standards give us an outline of what should be done in each order. We know the standards that must be met and we have the tools to ensure quality, stability and safety. What we do, how to check the quality and what we need is provided by ISO.

ISO certification standards also help keep our products and services relevant. When standards change, we change with them. When we work with new customers, we send them our certification details so that they know they expect ISO standards to be met.


How can I find out about new ISO standards?

The best way to learn about new ISO standards, modified or updated, is from ISO itself. They will be the best resource as an organization that sets the standards.

In addition, there are media outlets that provide summaries and descriptions of ISO updates to help people and businesses understand them. For example, the 2015 update:

  • More clauses
  • Different structure (high level structure)
  • Different terms
  • A process approach
  • Focus more on input and output

Risk-based thinking is at its core

  • Focus on the text of the organization
  • Leadership updates and commitments
  • Better integration with other ISO standards


What are the ISO standards training timeline?

In sum, the training schedule will depend on several factors, including understanding the needs, readiness of an organization, and the size and complexity of the organization. Still, most people expect to receive their ISO 9001: 2015 certification in three to six months.

Remember, people cannot get ISO certification. Only businesses and organizations can. It should also be noted that ISO does not provide certification. Instead, certification is possible through third-party organizations.

When ISO 9001: 2015 became available in September 2015, there was a three-year transition period for businesses and organizations to receive training and updating processes, allowing businesses of all shapes and sizes Gives time to train and update processes.

Here are 10 ISO standards and their meanings for your business.


  1. ISO 9000 - quality management

Quality is critical to continuing to compete in any industry. The ISO 9000 family is a quality management standard and consists of some of the most well-known ISO standards.

ISO quality standards guide companies and equip them with the tools needed to continuously improve quality and ensure that customer requirements are always met. ISO 9001: 2015 is the only standard in this category that you can certify and set the standards for a quality management system.

More than one million organizations in more than 170 countries are ISO 9001 certified.

  1. ISO / IEC 27000 - Information Security Management Systems

With the rapid rise of cyber threats, information security is becoming the focus of global attention. The standard 27000 category ensures the security of information assets.

These standards help organizations manage the security of assets such as intellectual property, financial and employee data, and information that is confidential to third parties. ISO / IEC 27001 is the most popular standard in this group and states the specifications related to the implementation of the Information Security Management System (ISMS). 33,290 certificates have been issued for this certificate.

  1. ISO 14000 - Environmental Management

This is a standard family that provides companies with the tools and guidance they need to manage their environmental responsibilities. ISO 14001 and other standards in this group emphasize environmental systems.

These standards use tools such as auditing, communication, life cycle analysis, and environmental challenges. This standard can be used by any organization regardless of the industry. More than 300,000 ISO 14001 certifications have been issued in 171 countries

  1. ISO 31000: 2018 - Risk management

The business world today is full of uncertainty. The risks facing companies have a direct impact on economic performance, reputation, as well as safety and environmental outcomes.

ISO 31000 cannot be used for certification purposes, but it does provide a framework for risk management. This guide is provided to organizations for internal and external audit programs, and enables organizations to achieve goals in an uncertain environment by facilitating the identification of opportunities and threats.

Organizations can test corporate governance and effectiveness using internationally recognized methods. 

  1. ISO 50001: 2018 - Energy Management

ISO 50001: 2018 provides guidance for companies on implementing an energy management system that aims to improve energy efficiency.

This goal reduces the energy efficiency of an organization by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. ISO 50001 is not mandatory and many organizations implement it only to meet the expectations of stakeholders. More than 20,000 certificates have been issued for this standard, up 69% from 2015.

  1. ISO 26000: 2010 - Social responsibility

Although organizations cannot be certified to ISO 26000, this standard provides guidance on how organizations can accept social responsibility. This determines the social responsibility of organizations to create a framework for effective action.

  1. ISO 28000: 2007 - Specifications of security management systems for the supply chain

This standard sets out the requirements for a security management system with respect to a supply chain. It can be used for a variety of organizations and provides guidance on all activities controlled by companies that affect supply chain security. This is very important in supply chain management in production, services, storage and transportation and there are 356 certifications so far. 

  1. ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-bribery management systems

Bribery is a threat in todays business world. This standard defines the requirements and provides guidance for the establishment, implementation and continuous improvement of the anti-bribery management system. It can be a standalone system or can be implemented in a general management system.

This standard applies to bribery in a variety of organizations and helps prevent, detect and respond to bribery and comply with anti-bribery laws.

  1. ISO 45001 - Occupational health and safety

Occupational injuries and illnesses negatively affect the economy due to poor health, early retirement and high premiums. To manage this problem, it has created ISO 45001, which replaces or considers international standards such as OHSAs 18001 and IL-OSH guidelines. It provides a framework for employee safety, reducing workplace hazards and creating a safer work environment.

  1. ISO 22000 - Food Management Systems

This standard facilitates the development and implementation of a food safety management system. This set includes a wide range of standards, including 22002 for food production and 22001 for food and beverages. This standard is widely used by food manufacturers, restaurants and food transport services. So far, more than 30,000 certificates have been issued.

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